Coastal landscapes resilience: A method for analysis and evaluation

  • Giampiero Lombardini DSA, University of Genoa, Italy


The coastal landscapes can be interpreted as geographical spaces with high sensitivity. The pressure of urbanization in these high fragility territories determines serious environmental crises. The high density of the values ​​in these areas (quality landscapes, ecosystem services, concentrated presence of resources) is constantly threatened not only by climate change but above all by the same processes of urbanization. According with a systemic approach, resilience is the ability of an ecosystem (or more precisely a social system and ecosystem at the same time) to adapt itself by change its internal relations and maintaining the identity values ​​of a landscape.

In the method of analysis here proposed, starting from the recognition of heritage elements, the system of values is compared with the conditions of risk and degradation (due to environmental and man-made drivers) with the result of building maps of vulnerability and resilience.

How to Cite
LOMBARDINI, Giampiero. Coastal landscapes resilience: A method for analysis and evaluation. Plurimondi, [S.l.], n. 17, sep. 2017. ISSN 2420-921X. Available at: <>. Date accessed: 05 feb. 2025.